Cucumber beetle is a common name given to members of two genera of beetles, Diabrotica and Acalymma, both in the family Chrysomelidae. The name stems from the tendency for adults of these beetles to be found on the leaves and flowers of cucurbits; which are plant species of the melon, cucumber and squash varieties.
The two most common pests in this family are the striped cucumber beetle and spotted cucumber beetle, which looks very much like a green ladybug. However, unlike the ladybug, cucumber beetles are not considered beneficial insects. They are sucking invaders which harm crops and ornamental plants.
At two stages of their approx. 8 week lifespan, these insects cause damage to plants. Adults will attack the tender young growth of stems and leaves, and the buds and petals on mature specimens. They also carry and spread the bacterial wilt organism, Erwinia tracheiphila and the cucumber mosaic virus. Eggs are laid in clusters on the underside of host leaves, and hatch into yellowish larvae (coloration varies) approx 1⁄2 inches (13 mm) long. The larvae then commence to feed on plant roots by tunneling into the ground. In some areas, the larvae is called the "corn rootworm".
Cucumber beetles can attack and overwinter in corn and bean fields; in some areas they may hide out in compost or trash piles. Eradication consists of manual removal, keeping cultivated areas free of litter and debris from infested plants, and application of pyrethrin-containing insecticides applied directly to host plants, such as Cyfluthrin or a non-systemic organphosphate insectside like malathion. Caution and strict adherence to safety instructions and directions-for-use are advised when using insecticides, especially on plants bearing produce for human or animal consumption.
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